Here you go, another
blended scotch at the “affordable” end of the price spectrum. This one is
Grant’s Sherry Cask Edition, so it’s your standard Grant’s that has been aged
for a further four months in sherry casks. Interesting. Grant’s also produce an
ale cask edition in this range, which as the name suggests, has been aged for
four months in casks that were used to hold ale (Innis and Gunn, apparently)
for a few months previous to that. And that is apparently unique.
If you’re shopping
in a standard UK supermarket, you can expect to pick up the usual Grant’s at
around £12-15, while the other editions are more around £18-20. I picked up my
sherry cask edition on sale at £15. No doubt you can do better, though this was
the first time I’d seen it on offer. We picked up a bottle of the ale cask for
my brother-in-law at roughly the same time, which I actually got to try before
I opened my bottle, but a little more on that later.
All three
expressions are bottled at a standard blend ABV of 40%, and are presented in
identical triangular bottles with a different coloured label denoting each one.
They’ve picked nice shades (red, green and blue) for these. The Sherry Cask is
the green one.
I seem to find my
initial impression of any whisky is tempered by what I’ve become familiar with
of the same genre immediately prior. It is like I want to be blown away every
time, and sometimes that just doesn’t happen.
So the previous
blend I’d been growing friendly with was Ballantine’s Finest, and I’d been
enjoying it very much. Despite having a drop of that left, I decided not to do
a comparative tasting immediately so that I might meet Grant’s on its own
First Taste
I opened it then,
one Saturday night and what I was left with was a flat disappointment. It
seemed to have no nose, and nothing of interest on the palate. I had come to
expect a sweet luxuriousness from the Ballantine’s, so while it is usually unfair
to expect the same qualities from a different brand… this has been (however briefly)
matured in ex-sherry casks, so surely you should be able to expect a more rich
sweetness than other basic blends? Perhaps not.
After about 20
minutes of tasting I did notice there developed an impression of fresh apple
and a surprisingly long finish, but nothing else came to the fore and I put the
Grant’s back into the cupboard that I might enjoy something else.
Second Sampling
The second
appearance came the following Thursday night after Mrs Cake and I had returned from
a local restaurant. I had already been drinking Peroni as well as what I’m
going to call the nicest red wine I can recall sampling and, along with all
that rich food I was thinking this might not be the most opportune occasion to
enjoy a fine whisky. So I didn’t pull a fine whisky from the cupboard, I went
for the Grant’s Sherry Cask.
Most unexpectedly,
the experience was far more rounded and fulfilling than previously. Perhaps I
had been too quick to judge.
Further tastings
As time has progressed the Grant’s Sherry Cask
has grown into its role of lead cheap
blend. It makes a pleasant, uncomplicated drink for early evening and the
over stimulated palate. In later weeks it has been joined in the cupboard by
the dregs of the great supermarket blend test, so it has been
interesting to see how it has fared alongside such competition, and despite
very enjoyable products from Asda and Morrison’s, this Grant’s benefits from a
little more depth of flavour than any of the supermarket products can offer. Is
it better than McKendrick’s? As time goes on I’m becoming more certain that it
is. Once again, it must be the magical effects of oxidation, as this liquid
seems to grow sweeter and more interesting by the day.
There was one
notable occasion where I had to pour a glass back into the bottle because I
realised after tasting it that I simply didn’t want it… but that was severe
hangover related, and the Grant’s reasserted its quality a few days later.
How does the Ale Cask edition measure up?
Yes, before I go, I
need to address the ale cask edition that Mrs Cake and I bought for her
brother. I did get to have a taste one evening over Christmas while helping put
some Lego construction together and I can report being fairly impressed. It is
of course difficult to compare when several thousand miles and a few weeks
separate my experiences, but for the sake of offering a simple conclusion, if
you were going to buy only one, I would say you might be missing out if you
didn’t return and get the other one in the fullness of time. Jim Murray places quite a few marks between
the two in his 2013 Whisky Bible, but I don’t think there is such a gulf in
class as he does, and I suspect I will be
returning for that ale cask edition at some point – and I wouldn’t shy away
from buying this one again either – at the right price.
Thanks for joining
my this week. Next week I’ll be continuing on my one man mission to promote the
consumption of grappa throughout the world by looking at La Castellina
Squaricalupi – a bottle I picked up nearly a year ago, and finished only this
week. See you then.
Isn't Innis and Gunn's gimmick is that it's aged in Whisky casks? I smell chicken & egg shenanigans.
ReplyDeleteyes, it's a reciprocal thing as far as I understand it.