
Sunday, 3 November 2013

Booze Resistor

If you’ve ever bought a bottle of strong alcohol in the southern European country of Spain, there’s a good chance you’ve been confronted with what I can only describe as a booze resistor. Here it is. It is essentially a plastic nozzle that has been inserted and fastened in the top of the bottle. It works in a manner similar to the way an electrical resistor works, in that it prevents some of the current (in this case, booze) from coming out into your glass which - let’s face it – is where you want the fucking stuff.

I have no idea what these are for, as they seem to have no fucking purpose whatsoever. Do correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see what can be useful about a device that facilitates:

  1. Not being able to get the liquid out the first time you open the bottle.
  2. Having to turn the bottle completely upside down and shake vigorously on all subsequent pours (assuming you managed a first pour at all) in order to eke out even an impotent trickle.
  3. Always spilling a couple of drops. It’s hard enough getting a couple of drops out in the first place! How come a couple always have to jump to the side of the glass also?!?
Shake it, fiddle with it, try to break it… you’re not winning with this device. Why, the country of Spain, why?

If there is a logical reason or purpose and I’m just  too stupid to get it, I sure would like to know. Over to you.


  1. After a little digging inspired by your post, they are actually "anti-refill" devices.

  2. I see. Thanks, David Barr; if that is your real name.

    Just to add to that, here's a comical thread from when someone asked how to remove them:
