
Sunday 1 February 2015

The Magnet, Stockport

I don’t do this very often (in fact I don’t think I’ve ever done it before), but following on from the recent Stockport Pub Crawl adventure, I would like to pay tribute to an awesome pub, the Cake household’s new favourite. It’s The Magnet on Wellington Road, just about 100 yards outside of Stockport town centre. You might not expect much, based on its location, but The Magnet is my ideal of what a pub should be.

It’s friendly, comfortable, has an ever changing roster of beers – that you can even take home – and even bases its prices on the alcoholic content, as you can see from the board (pictured). Another board lists all the guest beers, which are colour coded to help you make your choice between pale, medium and dark. Really, it is probably the best pub for ale that I have found in the whole of Greater Manchester (and possibly even further afield).

It’s very convenient for Mrs Cake and I, being a mere 5 minute 192 bus ride away from our house. The 192 runs so mind bogglingly regularly that, even though the Magnet is three miles away, you can easily pop out for an hour, get two pints and come home without feeling you’ve been any further than just around the corner. The bus stop for the return journey is even right outside, and someone has written “The Magnet” on the sign as an unofficial bus stop name [since removed].

So if you live in the area, and are keen on trying some different and obscure beers, I urge you to check it out.

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